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HubShots opened our eyes to typical Sales Director problems

Written by Ian Jacob | 07/02/2016 4:51:00 AM


Like most enduring things (at least we expect it to be enduring), our weekly HubShots podcast for Sales and Marketing professionals as well as business owners has helped people speak openly and honestly to us about their challenges in these fields.

So what my professional associate and trusted friend, Mr Craig Bailey of XEN Systems, and I have set out to do every week is help answer questions to the common challenges faced by your profession, but without ever disclosing any identities, of course.  (You can click here for some quick info on what the free HubShots Podcast is all about)

One of the biggest market shifts we identified revolves around marketing and sales being a completely different animal today.

So many businesses – especially in the medium tier – spend a lot of time and money training their sales managers and directors. This has to be applauded because training always has and always will be vitally important.

But from what we have learned since starting HubShots is the missing link, technology.  More specifically, the software and automated systems that slot in and actually provide highly structured, data-tracked systems that tell you more about your sales activity than ever before in history.

Basically, the clever businesses are now ‘pull-selling’ so that eventually all customers are coming to your sales staff in your business rather than your sales managers running teams chasing new business. It makes sense and you can read about it here.

One of the biggest beneficiaries is your sales team because coming towards you are new leads for your business. By combining the right technologies, effectively you should be able to rid your business of cold calling entirely.

Make no mistake, it will take effort and application, but like anything else in business it’s more about rolling with the changes that alter the landscape forever – and this is one of them (read about the impending end of cold calling).

HubShots has definitely brought us a little bit closer to the things that really affect the everyday working life of the Sales Director and your salesforce.