In business today it is important to keep growing and innovating. While I was away at INBOUND in Boston I was thinking of how we can reach, educate and be an be an influence in our space globally.
As a result HubShots was born. HubShots is a HubSpot focussed podcast I co-host with Craig Bailey.
Each week we highlight a key items (‘shots’) related to HubSpot, Inbound Marketing and things we are learning as we serve other businesses on the journey.
I am really thankful to be co-hosting with Craig Bailey who is the founder and technical director of XEN Systems. He has a wealth of experience working with businesses and helping them with inbound marketing, HubSpot and search advertising.
Episodes are easy to listen to and are around 25 minutes. We highlight action items for marketing professionals and integated sales professionals. Our target audience is marketing managers, marketing co-ordinators & sales professionals in companies who are using (or considering using) HubSpot.
Each episode covers:
- a thought or takeaway from this year’s INBOUND Conference
- a HubSpot tip or two
- unpacking a HubSpot feature
- discussing topics related to inbound marketing, and providing action items (ie stuff you can actually do! not just theory)
- something we’ve learnt recently (and perhaps save you having to learn eg if it is a mistake we’ve made)
- a useful resource to use
- a community item that provides value
Have a listen and let me know your thoughts. I hope you find it useful and you take 1 thing away from each episode that you can implement and improve.
You can:
- access the episodes on the site here
- subscribe on iTunes here
- subscribe on Stitcher here
- subscribe on Soundcloud here
- follow us on Twitter here